Monday, 14 June 2010


Being a forex trader: Is it for you?

Being a forex trader: Is it for you?

Being a forex trader is not for the faint of heart.
The foreign exchange market is a fast-paced
world that operates 24 hours a day,5 and a half days a week.

For some traders, fortunes are made and lost very quickly.

Yet for someone with the right know-how and enough
motivation and drive,forex trading can be rewarding both
personally and financially.

How many people make their living as forex traders?

It’s hard to say for sure, but we know the number is
smaller than the number of stock traders.

Most forex traders are actually international banks and
other huge corporations; private citizens comprise only
2 percent of the entire forex market.

Nonetheless, they are out there, and the number is growing.

As the Internet and other technological advancements make
it more accessible, the forex market becomes more manageable
and more average citizens become traders.

To begin with, most of these “day traders” keep their regular
jobs and do forex as a side project.

It’s notoriously difficult to make a living as a forex
at the start, and most new investors find they must allow
for the learningcurve before they’re really ready
to do it full-time.

Once a new trader gets the hang of it, buying and selling
currencieswith some degree of confidence and turning
a profit, he may find that he can quit his day job and
focus on trading full-time.

Thereis certainly enough activity to fill a forex trader’s
with news that could affect currency rates coming in almost

A smart trader watches this information continually,
almost obsessively, always on the watch for a sign
that the time is right to buy or sell.

With home computers and high-speed Internet service
available nearly everywhere,being a trader from home
has become feasible.

Some traders eventually become brokers, but the excitement --
and the potential profit -- lies in working for yourself.

With a stock market, a bad day could mean disaster.

But with the forex market, a bad day
for one nation’s economy hardly matters, since there
are still a dozen more strong, viable currencies to be

In that way, some consider being a forex
trader slightly more stable than being a stock broker.

Either way, there is always risk when money and
speculation are involved, but with dedication and
resourcefulness, you can make a handsome living as a forex



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Forex software can help investors make wise decisions...

Forex software can help investors make wise decisions

One of the unique things about the forex market as opposed to markets like the
New York Stock Exchange is that it runs 24 hours a day.

The forex market covers the entire world, all 24 time zones, so no matter what

time it is, currency trading is taking place.
Because of this, many traders have found it helpful to
have forex software on their computers.

These programs enable users to stay informed about the very latest prices and to
buy and sell currencies 24 hours a day.

Forex software also helps the online firms that deal in retail forex trading.

Without the software, customers would have to log on to the site to conduct
their transactions.

But with the software installed on their computers, customers can handle their buying and selling without having to log in and potential overload the company’s server.

Most retail forex companies offer some kind of software for their clients to
use, and most programs are about the same.

They give up-to-the-minute values of currencies, allow customers to make
transactions, and provide for transferring balances.

Essentially, this software lets you do the things you once had to do online
without actually having to log in to a Web site.

There are also third-party companies that offer forex software, programs that aren’t pegged to a particular retail trader but that offer users a way of staying informed and conducting business.

Many of these programs also give tutorials and practice runs, to help new
investors learn the ropes before getting into the real thing.

Such practice is extremely valuable, as forex trading is complicated and can be
perilous to a first-time trader.

Another advantage of forex software is that many programs do analysis, too --
that is, they’ll look at the data over a specified period of time and identify
trends and patterns.

Have certain countries’ currencies been steadily declining
lately? Does one currency habitually grow stronger at a particular time every year?

Will the U.S. dollar be stronger or weaker right around the time of an election?

All of this data can aid you, the investor, in deciding which currencies to buy
and sell.

Nothing is certain in speculative markets like forex, because there are simply too many factors and variables that determine exchange rates from day to day.
But forex software can help you make informed decisions, which is invaluable to an investor in a tumultuous marketplace.

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